Relapse. Recover. Restore

Have you ever been in the process of getting over an illness, jumped back into your routine too soon, and found yourself sicker than you would have been if you had just rested a few more days? Recovering from addiction often works the same way.

There are many reasons why relapse occurs, but one of the big ones is that most treatment programs—which typically cover 28 days of stay—are simply not long enough for men to achieve lasting recovery.

It didn’t take us 28 days to form our addiction, so why would 28 days be enough to end it?

That’s why we offer 60- and 90-day programs to help you get the level of drug and alcohol rehab you need to truly get better. Our team will work with you to determine which program is the best fit for you.

Most importantly, there’s no cap on your length of stay here. Though these programs reflect the average stay, every person’s needs are unique. You can stay with us as long as you need to get better—no more rushing your healing.

Most importantly, there’s no cap on your length of stay here.

Though these programs reflect the average stay, every person’s needs are unique. You can stay with us as long as you need to get better—no more rushing your healing.
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The 60-Day Foundations Program 

If you’ve never sought addiction treatment before or have found yourself in and out of treatment with little success, chances are that you need more time to heal. Our 60-day drug and alcohol rehab program in Austin, TX not only addresses substance abuse, but also why we choose substance use to escape our fundamental, underlying problems. 

This program will help you get to the root cause of addiction (not merely the symptoms) and rebuild life skills, relationships, and a sense of purpose. Over the course of these 60 days, you will heal old wounds, discover who you truly are, and become the best version of yourself.

The 90-Day Extended Program 

Sometimes, to truly heal, we need to remove ourselves from our habits, our environments, our influences, and our lifestyle for an extended period of time. This time away gives us space to break cycles, see new possibilities, and explore a new way of being.

Our 90-day drug and alcohol rehab program will not only help you address the root cause of your addiction, learn new life skills, and discover your purpose, but it will give you a chance to integrate what you’ve learned into a lifestyle of recovery while you are still at Any Length Retreat. It covers both the acute recovery phase and the sober living phase of addiction rehab, setting you up for long-term sobriety, success, and self-confidence.

Don’t have 60 days? Contact us about our shorter intensives.

When we say we’re willing to go to any length for your recovery, we mean that we will go any distance, and for any length of time you need. There’s always a place for you here.

- Kent B.
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“This place gave me my life back. It showed me what I can be and what I needed to do to be that person. It gave me all the tools that I needed to achieve long-term recovery. I couldn’t have asked for a better treatment center!”
- Reece C.
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“This place truly got me from my lowest point to my highest and guided me to where I am today. The 12 Step program taught at ALR has been more beneficial than anywhere I’ve gone previously. It gave me all the tools I needed to achieve long term sobriety.”
- Nora P.
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“I have only good things to say about Any Length Retreat. It has saved my son’s life.”
-Anthony I.
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“Two and a half years ago my younger brother came through these doors, and since the completion of his stay at Any Length, he has maintained his sobriety. Seeing the change in him inspired me to get help for my addiction, and ALR was the obvious choice. The experience here was powerful.”
-Russell B.
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“If you are serious about recovery, Any Length has the tools. Don’t wait another day; tomorrow may be too late.”
Ready to take the first step and learn which program is right for you?
Call or text (512) 960-1440 for a no-strings-attached consultation.